Sunday, December 07, 2008

Something new. . .

I finally got my new bookcase put together. Things are a lot less cluttered at my place (for now). I didn't really do much in the way of organizing but I did devote one whole shelf to books of letters and I almost filled it (I needed John Cheever's short stories and his journals to totally fill the shelf).

I also made sure to group my WPA guides together. It wasn't hard today as I only have three so far (New York City, California and Wisconsin). Eventually, I'd like to track down the whole set. They were guidebooks written by the Federal Writers Project of the Works Progress Administration during the depression. Not only are they a wealth of interesting facts about 30's USA, they are also great to read. Many of the writers went on to have impressive writing careers after the depression.

The rest is a jumble in the best possible way. Poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction all stuffed together. Now I just need to do the same for my cds. . .